If your Scottish Power gas card is not working, call Scottish Gas now on 0843 770 5075 to top up your gas meter on the telephone or to order a new card.
Let’s face it, our energy supplier isn’t one of the things we like to think about. In an ideal world, we’d get set up and never have to engage with them again. Sadly, however, this is not an ideal world. Instead, issues crop up from time to time and we’re forced into action.
One such issue for Scottish Power customers is their Gas Card stopping working. As a pay as you go customer, you’ll have one of these cards for your meter. However, if you haven’t topped up your gas card over the summer and you’ve now found that your top up hasn’t worked, you might well be confused.
Related: Refunds and Scottish Power – A guide for customers
It’s a common issue for Scottish Power customers, and one we think shouldn’t take up any more time than it need to. So, let’s take a look at the issue.
Why can’t I use my Scottish Power Gas Card?
If you’ve not regularly vended over the summer months, there’s a good chance you may owe the meter for missed standing charges or missed weekly debt recovery amounts. Why?
Well, because of the lack of top ups during the summer months, the standing charge that you pay has continued to accrue. That’s resulted in a debt on the meter that you’ll need to vend in order to get your gas back on again.
Related: How to make a complaint with Scottish Power
Remember, 70% of any vend can be used to clear an owed amount on the system, meaning that you’ll only end up with a minimum of 30% for gas usage.
I did pay over the summer, what else could the issue be?
The other issue could be that your meter has entered a “sleep” mode. If your meter has never done this before, it can be confusing. Don’t worry though, because returning it to a wake mode is as simple as pressing the red button on the front of your meter.
The front screen will now show you how much credit you have available for gas, or if the meter is in emergency credit mode. If it is in emergency credit mode, press the red button once more and you’ll see how much money is required to return it to normal operation.
My card still isn’t working?
It might be that your card has become damaged or that your meter has stopped functioning. In either case, consider contacting Scottish Power directly. Their customer service team will work with you to help you resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
Further reading: Scottish Power Priority Services Register