Npower Phone Number

Npower Contact Number: 0843 770 5016

Call npower customer service on 0843 770 5016 / 0800 073 3000, from 8am-8pm Monday to Friday and 8am-6pm on a Saturday. These npower numbers will connect you straight through to npower customer service. 0800 073 3000 is the free phone number for npower.

Npower Phone Number 0843 770 5016 or 0800 073 3000

Npower are one of the Big Six energy suppliers in the UK. The full name for the company is RWE Npower, and they supply millions of homes and businesses in Great Britain with gas and electricity. RWE Npower have come under fire over the last 2 years, namely for failing to pass on wholesale energy cost savings to consumers. However, this is not unique to Npower, with the other big energy suppliers also coming under fire.

Npower Contact Numbers

Npower Contact Numbers
Customer service 0843 770 5016
Bills and payments 0800 073 3000
Energy tariffs 0800 316 9044
Meter readings 0330 100 3000
Moving home 0800 316 8558

As of right now, Npower actually have some of the cheapest energy deals on the market, so if you are looking for a cheap energy deal, then RWE Npower may be a good choice of supplier for you. However, it’s important to read reviews first. Consumer group Which ranked Npower last out of all UK energy suppliers for customer satisfaction in 2014, although RWE Npower have made internal improvements to boost customer confidence recently.

Over the Christmas period, npower customers can call 0843 770 9936 or 0800 073 3000 for customer service.

Npower Contact Information

Full Address Npower, PO Box 177, Houghton le Spring, DH4 9AQ
Phone 0843 770 5016
Website http://www.npower.com/
Contact Page http://www.npower.com/home/about-npower/our-addresses/

RWE Npower contact phone numbers

The best way to contact Npower if you have an enquiry is by telephone. Npower do let customers contact them online as well as by email and through the post, but the quickest way to get any of your questions answered is by calling them. When you give Npower a call, you will be given a number of options to choose from. Simply listen to the instructions carefully and select from a few options, and you will be put through to the correct department. The Npower customer phone numbers you want for general enquiries are 0843 770 5016 or free phone 0800 073 3000.

As well as these Npower phone numbers, there are others. Below, we have provided additional phone number contacts for Npower:

Npower online account phone numbers:

  • 0800 316 9331 or 0330 100 8601

Npower emergency and safety numbers:

  • 0800 073 3000 or 0330 100 3000

Npower complaints (boilers and heating):

  • 0800 197 5442 or 0330 100 7516

Npower complaints (electricity and gas):

  • 0800 316 9328 (Select option 1)

npower customer services 0843 770 5016

Remember to follow the instructions at the other end of your call closely, to ensure you are put through to the right department.

About Npower

Npower is one of the largest energy suppliers in the UK, with approximately 5.1 million customers in both residential and commercial properties. It is owned by the Innogy Group, one of the leading suppliers of gas and electricity in Europe. It currently employs around 11,500 staff.

Npower’s Services and Products

Npower supplies gas and electricity to domestic and business customers in the UK. It offers fixed rate and variable tariffs via pay-monthly contracts, prepayment meters and smart meters.

It also offers related products to its customers, such as reduced price boilers and thermostats, plus additional customer rewards including cheap deals on indoor security cameras and offers on short-term pay television subscriptions.

npower phone number 0843 770 5016

In addition, the Hometeam arm of the business offers repairs to boilers and central heating systems.

Plants and Operations

Npower’s head office is in Swindon, Wiltshire. It has a number of offices throughout the UK; its customer relations team is based in Worcester.

Npower also owns and operates a number of conventional power stations and renewable energy plants in the UK. The company currently operates 25 hydroelectric power stations and 35 wind farms, 32 of which are onshore and three offshore.

Npower is run by a CEO who reports directly to an Executive Board. The CEO is advised by a team of Senior Managers who have responsibility for different areas of the business.

The History of Npower

Npower was established in 2000 as Innogy plc. Innogy was the result of National Power devolving its overseas operations. Initially, Innogy plc was listed on the London Stock Exchange, but was bought by the German energy company RWE in 2002. It was renamed RWE Npower plc, and all its supply businesses were branded as Npower from this time.

Npower has since acquired a number of other companies offering related services such as plumbing, which allows it to operate its Hometeam service.

In recent years Npower’s fortunes have taken a downturn. It has come in for heavy criticism, predominantly for poor customer service and misleading sales techniques. As a result it has been fined twice by Ofgem, the regulatory body for energy suppliers n the UK. The fines occurred in 2009 and 2015, and totalled £27.8 million.

While Npower remains one of the UK’s “Big Six” energy suppliers, it reported losses of £106 million in early 2016, and 2,500 jobs were cut as a result. The losses were attributed to the fact that over 350,000 customers left Npower and switched to other suppliers during 2015.

Charity and Community Work

Npower supports several UK charities and renewable energy projects in UK communities. It also operates the Fuel Bank scheme, which provides free gas and electricity top-up vouchers to UK citizens who have been identified as living in poverty.

Npower also runs several training programmes educating both adults and children about ways to save energy and protect the environment.

Npower contact information

The above contact numbers for Npower should deal with most needs. If however, you would prefer to write to Npower or email Npower, you can find the information for doing so below. If you are making a complaint, we recommend sending your complaint to complaints@npower.com with a CC for executive.complaints@npower.com. Both of these email addresses are operational, and by sending your complaint to both, you have a better chance of a swift response. We have seen people get a response within just a few days using this tactic.

Npower Centre,
Oak House,
Bridgwater Road,
WR4 9FP.

Npower email:helpline@npower.com and complaints@npower.com and executive.complaints@npower.com.

Phone Npower on 0843 770 5016 for customer service enquiries

Call Npower on 0843 770 5016 for help and support from a customer service assistant. This Npower phone number is suitable for all account, billing and payment enquiries.

Npower Phone Number