If you are dissatisfied with your service from Scottish Power or you have another form of complaint, in this article you will find everything you need to know about making a complaint with Scottish Power.
Scottish Power is an energy company that takes pride in delivering high quality services, but there are instances when customer satisfaction is not maintained. When customers are dissatisfied with any type of service or contact with Scottish Power, there is a specific process that should be taken to issue a complaint. This means that you need to be aware of what Scottish Power deems as a legitimate complaint and how you can officially make that complaint known.
Here is more information regarding the complaint process for Scottish Power customers:
Scottish Power Customer Phone Number 0843 770 5075
If you wish to make a complaint with Scottish Power, you can use the contact number above.
What is a Complaint?
A complaint is any type of dissatisfaction that a customer experiences with a service, contact or product provided by Scottish Power. The type of complaint can range, but all complaints are taken seriously and each one is given importance. Not only is an investigation done to gain a better understanding of the compliant issued, but steps are taken by Scottish Power to rectify the issue entirely. If you have a complaint of any kind, you need to communicate it to Scottish Power as a soon as possible to begin the resolution process. Complaints are not fully resolved until the customer agrees that the issue has been addressed properly.
What is a Deadlock Letter?
Since Scottish Power does not deem complaints to be fully resolved until both parties have agreed that the issue has been addressed, this does sometimes result in the need for a deadlock letter. A deadlock letter is only sent in the event that a resolution can’t be agreed upon by both parties. In the letter, you will be informed of the final position taken by Scottish Power. You can accept the final position or you can continue to file a complaint with Ombudsman Services to review your case in full.
There is a specific process that must be taken to issue a formal complaint with Scottish Power to ensure that all complaints are given the consideration they deserve. Here are the different stages that describe the formal compliant procedure within Scottish Power:
Stage 1: Contact is Made and Complaint is Issued
The first stage of the process involves simply contacting Scottish Power with your issue. There are a variety of different ways that you can make contact depending on your references and the type of complaint being issued.
It is possible to call Scottish Power and issue a complaint at 0800 027 0072 using a landline phone or at 0345 270 0700 from a mobile phone. You should call these numbers to issue a complaint between Monday and Friday from 8am to 10pm and on Saturday from 9am to 6pm. If you would like to contact Scottish Power with a complaint through email, you can send an email with your complaint to customer.services@scottishpower.co.uk. In most cases, you complaint can be resolved after the very first stage once it has been investigated.
Stage 2: Customer Care Team
This second stage involves all complaints that can’t be rectified during the first stage. If your complaint can’t be resolved immediately, you will be given a reference number for your complaint case and it will be given to the Customer Care Team. A member of the Customer Care Team will be designated as your dedicated complaint handler. This means that this Customer Care Team member will work with you to try and resolve the issue within a 10 business day time period. You will be kept in the loop during the entire process and the Customer Care Team member handling your case will communicate directly with you regularly.
Stage 3: Customer Service Director’s Support Team
This is the third stage of the formal complaint resolution process with Scottish Power and you must have completed the first two stages before your case is reviewed by the Customer Service Director’s Support Team. At this third stage, you have already obtained a reference number and are not satisfied with the way your case has been resolved so far. In the third stage, you can have your case reviewed with the goal of coming to a mutual agreement that both parties are satisfied with.
What Happens if a Mutual Agreement Does Not Take Place?
If during the third stage when your case is reviewed by the Customer Service Director’s Support Team and no resolution can still be agreed upon, a deadlock letter will then be sent to you. You will be contacted with this type of letter informing you that an agreement can’t be made and what the final position on the case will be. You have the ability to either accept the final position specified in the deadlock letter or ask the Ombudsman Services: Energy to look over your case. This review can take place 8 weeks after the deadlock letter has been sent to you.