How to move home with British Gas as a pay-as-you-go customer

By Energy Company Numbers on January 8, 2019 in British Gas, Help and advice

British Gas pay as you go customers should contact British Gas to notify them about moving move. Moving into a new home can be seamless with regards to your energy plan, but British Gas do need a ‘heads up’ first, so that they can process your request properly.

One thing to keep in mind is that you will need a new prepayment keycard from British Gas, since your new meter might not accept your older card.

Moving home with British Gas can be very easy if you are a pay-as-you-go customer. In the event that you move, you will likely need a new card or key. If you continue to use the card or key that has been left at your new property, you may be paying someone else’s current or outstanding bill. The only way to avoid paying the improper balance when you move is to get a new key or card.

Who Do You Call?

When you are moving as a pay-as-you-go customer, it is important that you call British Gas on 0333 202 9802 at least 3 business days before your move. This allows British Gas to post a new card or key if one is required. Keys normally only take an hour to obtain, but cards are not as quick to arrange. This means that you need to give advance notice when moving and the notice should be at least 3 business days. The number given above for British Gas can be called from Monday through Friday between 8am and 8pm.

You can also call British Gas on Saturdays to give notice of your move between 8am and 6pm.

If you are moving home with British Gas, use this British Gas contact number to get in touch with British Gas customer services.

What Information is Required

When you call British Gas as a pay-as-you-go customer to give notice of your impending move, there is some information that you need to have available.

This includes your moving date, current address, meter serial number, new address and name of occupier or landlord of new property.

What if You Have Already Moved?

If you have already moved home and you have a question about activating your energy supply, have your customer number and address to hand when you call British Gas.

Even though you are supposed to give British gas advance notice of your move as a pay-as-you-go customer, it is still possible to make arrangements after your move. If you have a meter reading from when you arrived, make sure to have this on hand. It is also a good idea to check with British Gas before you begin paying with a card or key that was left behind by the previous occupiers. This is the only way to be sure that you are not paying someone else’s current or previous balance.

British Gas will then check the meter for an outstanding balance from the previous occupier of the property.

Moving with British Gas as a pay-as-you-go customer is easy as long as you give notice of your move and get a new key or card. Using a key or card from the previous occupier is never a good idea if you have not checked first with British Gas.

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Energy Company NumbersView all posts by Energy Company Numbers
Energy Company Numbers is a telephone number directory service dedicated to helping UK consumers keep in touch with their energy suppliers.


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