How to get a refund from SWALEC

By Energy Company Numbers on March 4, 2020 in Help and advice

If you believe that you are owed a refund from SWALEC for unused energy, or because of overcharging, then you should contact SWALEC to discuss your concerns. SWALEC will refund you within 30 days, if they are made aware of overcharging.

Refund Timeframes

If you are a SWALEC customer and you have questions about your refund, there are timeframes that you need to be aware of. Simply agreeing to a refund does not mean that the refund in full will be credited immediately. Here is some more information about the entire refund process.

Agreed Refund Not Showing

If you have already agreed to a refund, it is important to be aware that the refund will not show right away. If you receive an amended bill and the refund does not appear on the bill, it is due to the fact that refunds are not often processed before amended bills are printed. This means that the refund will not show on your first amended bill. It is likely that the refund will appear on the bill that comes right after your amended bill. This is the bill that will come after the refund has been processed. There will also be a letter that comes through the mail confirming the amount that will be refunded. This letter is separate from your bill.

How to Get a Refund from SWALEC

If you want a refund and want to know how to get one, it is important to understand the refund process. It is important that you begin by taking a meter reading that will allow SWALEC to determine if the balance on the account is accurate. It is possible for you to be given a refund if it turns out that you are due one. You can be given a refund for the total credit or a portion.

Related: SWALEC company information and facts

However, there are times when a credit is assessed for a reason. It is possible that you might have a bill due soon and the credit may be there to cover the bill. It is also possible for a credit on your account during the summer to be going toward a gas bill from the winter.

Requesting a Refund from SWALEC

If you still think that you are entitled to a refund, it is possible to request a refund by going online. You can find available forms online that will allow you to apply for a refund. It is also possible to contact SWALEC directly and speak with an advisor that can give you more information about applying for a refund. If you are due a refund, the money will be given to you through Direct Debit or it will be sent through the mail in the form of a cheque.

Use this SWALEC contact information to discuss refunds with SWALEC:

Full Address SSE SWALEC, Inveralmond House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth, PH1 3AQ
Phone 0843 770 5091
Contact Page

Call SWALEC today on 0843 770 5091

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Energy Company NumbersView all posts by Energy Company Numbers
Energy Company Numbers is a telephone number directory service dedicated to helping UK consumers keep in touch with their energy suppliers.


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