First Utility customers can call 0843 770 5059 to speak to a First Utility Expert about the Cosy thermostat.
The First Utility Cosy Thermostat is not a smart meter. Instead, the Cosy offers First Utility customers a better way of controlling their energy because with Cosy you can control your heating via a smartphone, tablet or PC, so long as you have a Wi-Fi connection.
Having a Cosy thermostat installed for free is possible for some First Utility customers but there are specific criteria for eligibility.
Here’s vital information on that criteria:
A part of the criteria that you can’t avoid involves being already set up on one of the iControl Fixed tariffs, specifically the iControl Fixed September 2018. This is the only way that you can qualify for this type of thermostat to be installed.
Central Heating System
It is essential that you have a central heating system within your home that is functioning properly. This is the most basic criteria that must be met before a Cosy thermostat can be installed. This heating system that is already installed must also be connected to a thermostat that is currently controlling all central heating.
Broadband Connection
It is also essential that a broadband connection be present that offers a spare Ethernet connection. There must also be some type of power socket that is situated near to the broadband router. Having broadband is something that is required when you want to have a Cosy Smart thermostat installed.
It is also needed that you have a tablet, PC or mobile device that you can use to access the internet. This is something that must be done when you want to have a Cosy Smart thermostat. This means that you need to have a functioning WiFi code that can be used to get online with any of these devices.
First Utility Supplier
It is also necessary that you are a homeowner that is having all gas and electricity supplied by First Utility. This is a requirement that can’t be overlooked . First Utility is the supplier that offers the Cosy thermostat. This means that you need to be a customer of First Utility in order to get this type of innovative thermostat installed within your home.
Once you show that you meet all the necessary criteria a Cosy Smart thermostat can be installed within your home. It offers different modes and displays that can be used. It is important to not only be familiar with how the Cosy thermostat functions, but also the criteria that you need to meet before one can be installed within your home.
If you would like a First Utility cosy installing, you will need a fully working central heating system controlled by one thermostat. You will also need a broadband connection and a computer, smartphone or tablet with WiFi access.
Contact First Utility on 0843 770 5059 to find out more
To find out more about your eligibility for a Cosy thermostat, use our First Utility number to call First Utility. The Cost thermostat is still available with energy tariffs.