First Utility Contact Number

To speak to a member of the First Utility customer service team, you can call 0843 770 5059 or 01926 320 700. You can also send an email to First Utility at customer.service@first-utility.com.

Call First Utility: 0843 770 5059

The Official First Utility Customer Number is 01926 320 700

Call First Utility from 8am-8pm Monday to Friday and 9am-4pm on a Saturday.

First Utility Contact Numbers

First Utility Contact Numbers
Customer service 0843 770 5059
Account support 01926 320 700
Billing 01926 320 700

First Utility Customer Service 01926 320 700
First Utility Billing 0843 770 5059
First Utility Accounts 0843 770 9910
First Utility General Enquiries 0843 770 9911

Contact First Utility

First Utility is the UK’s largest independent energy supplier, offering cheap gas and electricity tariffs to increasingly energy-smart customers. First Utility claim that consumers could save up to £213 per year by switching to them, with some impressive statistics – every week, 10,000 people in the UK switch to First Utility as their energy supplier. Why? it’s simple – First Utility have a number of cheap and tempting energy tariffs for domestic and commercial users. We recommend contacting First Utility direct for the best energy deals or if you wish to find out more about their tariffs.

First Utility Contact Information

Full Address First Utility, PO Box 4360, Warwick, CV34 9DB
Phone 0843 770 5059
Website https://www.first-utility.com/
Contact Page https://www.first-utility.com/about-us/customers/get-involved

First Utility Telephone Number 0843 770 5059

To find out more about First Utility, call our First Utility contact number on 0843 770 5059. Calling this number to find out about the following:

Alternatively, you can find a wealth of information about First Utility below including the company’s history, it’s commitment to the environment and why you should choose them. You will also find useful alternative contact information for First Utility, such as social media profiles, the full company full address which you can write to and the official page to contact First Utility. If you simply wish to talk to somebody, telephone First Utility on 0843 770 5059.

Imaged above: First Utility fuel mix

Contact First Utility for advice and support on 0843 770 5059 

Our first utility number is reliable and works on weekdays and weekends. If you call our First Utility phone number and you don’t get through to a human being or an efficient automated system, please notify us so that we may rectify this as soon as possible. We regularly check our numbers and this First Utility telephone number has been checked recently to ensure it is accurate. Please remember to rate our First Utility customer services number by clicking the stars, above. This ensures that other people know that this is a reliable number.

About First Utility

First Utility was set up in 2008, with the aim of undercutting the “Big Six” UK energy suppliers on gas and electricity prices. It is headed by a CEO who is advised by a team of Managing Directors, each in charge of a different part of the operation.

From the beginning the company has been heavily involved with campaigning for prices to be lowered across the industry. In 2014 it successfully forced the energy industry to cut in half the time it take to switch providers to two and a half weeks. It is currently lobbying for variable tariffs to be scrapped, and for customers to be contacted once a month and advised if cheaper tariffs are available anywhere else.

In December 2010 the company was issued with a disciplinary order by Ofgem, the regulatory body for the UK energy industry, for failing to protect vulnerable customers.

First Utility enjoys a close working relationship with the oil company Shell, which often acts as an intermediary in First Utility’s deals to secure energy supplies from international markets. First Utility operates under the Shell brand name in Germany, where it has been operating since 2015.

First Utility is the fastest-growing energy supplier in the UK. It is also the seventh largest supplier, and the largest independent. It currently has approximately 950,000 domestic and commercial customers, who between them have over 1.5 million gas and electricity accounts with the company.

First Utility is an independent supplier of gas and electricity to UK customers. This means that, unlike the “Big Six” energy suppliers, it does not produce or sell its own energy, instead purchasing it from international markets. It is not tied to one particular supplier. It was the first UK supplier to surpass one million customer accounts, in 2014.

First Utility was also the first UK energy company to offer smart meters to all its domestic customers. Its relatively small size has enabled it to experiment more easily with new technologies without the logistical difficulties faced by companies with more customers.

First Utility also offers phone and broadband services in addition to energy supply.

The company aims to provide gas and electricity at cheaper prices than the main UK suppliers, and offers four simple monthly tariffs as well as prepayment meters.

First Utility’s head office is in Warwick, UK. The company currently employs a staff of approximately 1,500.

There are four main First Utility energy tariffs to choose from: Our Best Price, Certainty for Two Years, Long-Term Certainty, and Fully Flexible. Each gas and electricity/ energy tariff is competitive with the other big energy suppliers, so be sure to check them out.

First Utility believes in good customer service and looks upon energy usage slightly different to other energy suppliers’ – First Utility wants consumers to use less energy… they aim to achieve this with better prices than other energy suppliers and by offering a better UK service. Another way that First Utility customers can manage their energy better is with First Utility a smart meter. For more information about this latest energy-saving technology, call First Utility today.

First Utility is the largest independent energy supplier in the UK. So, if you don’t want to support the ‘big six’ energy suppliers in the UK, this is one way to do that. Here’s some First Utility quick facts if you want to find out more about First Utility quickly:

  • The largest independent energy supplier in the UK;
  • Some of the cheapest gas and electricity tariffs on the market;
  • First Utility sponsors the Rugby Super League;
  • Founded in 2008;
  • Headquarters in Warwick, United Kingdom.

The energy tariffs available from First Utility are cheaper than the ‘big six’ standard energy tariffs as typical use, as proudly shown off on the First Utility website. They want permanently low prices and want to help consumers use less energy whilst still maintaining a comfortable lifestyle. First Utility also has business tariffs available, but information about commercial energy tariffs is not readily accessible on the website. To find out more, use our First Utility contact number to get in touch with First Utility direct. Our First Utility contact number will get you in touch with them to discuss business energy solutions plus much more.

“Thank you for creating this First Utility contact number, I got through to a human being very quickly and you saved me a lot of time in my day” – Isabella Harding.

Behind the scenes First Utility is campaigning for positive change in the energy industry, such as the way consumers switch energy suppliers and passing on savings from the wholesale market. If you like what you hear, we recommend getting in touch with First Utility direct, by calling our First Utility customer contact number. Unlike some energy suppliers, First Utility welcomes customers to contact them. They have an excellent customer service record and make it easy to telephone them or write to them.

First Utility Customer Service Telephone Number 0843 770 5059

First Utility has an excellent record for customer service with many happy customers. You can use our First Utility telephone number, 0843 770 5059, for general enquiries and for all of your customer service needs. We recommend storing this number for safe use in the future. Call First Utility to enquire about all of the above or if you have a different enquiry.

Reasons to call First Utility:

You can use our First Utility contact number for for a variety of things such as the above. When you call this telephone number, you will also be able to discuss the following things:

  • Bills and Payments
  • My Meter
  • First Utility isave
  • Tariffs
  • Switching to First Utility
  • My Account
  • More Help and Advice

Remember to have your account information at hand so that First Utility customer services can deal with your request quickly.

Contact Information for First Utility

You can get in touch with First Utility on our supplied telephone number, 0843 770 5059. This telephone number will put you in contact with First Utility customer services, where you will be able to be directed to the customer service department that you need. Call First Utility on the telephone to ensure that your enquiry is dealt with swiftly and efficiently. The First Utility contact number, 0843 770 5059, is for all types of First Utility customer who want to be able to talk to a human being and have their enquiry dealt with FAST.

Alternatively, you can write to First Utility at the address below or get in touch with them through social media. If you write to First Utility, you may get no response at all. It’s best to send any letters via Signed delivery or Special Delivery to ensure receipt. If you contact First Utility on social media, you can expect a response within 72-hours usually. It’s more efficient to simply ring them most of the time, so pick up the phone today.

First Utility Coventry address:

Columbus House,
Westwood Business Park,
Westwood Way,
West Midlands,
CV4 8TT.

First Utility Warwick address:

Point 3,
Opus 40 Business Park,
Haywood Road,
CV34 5AH.

First Utility Social Media

Twitter – YouTube – LinkedIn – Google+.

First Utility Website: http://www.first-utility.com/contact-us

First Utility contact number: 0843 770 5059

1st Utility Contact: First Utility is often misspelled as 1st Utility. If you need to 1st Utility contact, use the published contact information listed on this page. Thank you.

First Utility Contact Number