E.ON Contact Number

Thank you for visiting Energy Company Numbers. Looking for an EON contact number? Call 0843 770 5036 to speak to a customer assistant, or call the main EON customer service department for free on 0345 052 0000. 

EON Contact Number: 0843 770 5036

Call EON customer services on 0843 770 5036 for general enquiries, to submit a meter reading or to make a payment over the phone. If you are deaf, please call EON on 0800 056 6560. Thank you.

Calls to 03 numbers cost no more than calls to geographic numbers (01) (02). Calls to 0800 numbers in the UK are Free from a mobile or landline. Calls to 0843 numbers cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge.

Summary of E.ON contact numbers

Contact EON by department on the following numbers:

Customer service 0843 770 5036
Prepayment 0345 303 3040
Smart pay as you go 0345 366 5996
Top ups 0800 015 6368
Moving home 0345 303 3040

We have tried to be as helpful as possible by listing as many EON contact numbers as we can. If you have a specific enquiry, you will find one of the numbers below relevant.

Customer services – 0843 770 5036

Phone E.ON on 0843 770 5036 to speak to a customer service assistant. Alternatively, you can telephone E.ON on 0345 059 9905. These contact numbers will connect you to the E.ON customer service department. Call these numbers to make a payment, give meter readings or for questions about your bill. You can also call these phone numbers if you have a technical enquiry about your gas or electricity supply, or if you have a question about your smart meter. Lines are open 8am to 8pm weekdays and 8am to 6pm on Saturdays.

Prepayment meters – 0345 303 3040 

Call E.ON on 0345 303 3040 for prepayment meter questions and enquiries. This phone number is suitable for all prepayment (pay as you go) account, billing, payment and meter queries. If you have a technical issue with your gas or electricity prepayment meter, you can also call this telephone number for assistance. Call now and select the options from the menu to get started.

Smart Pay As You Go – 0345 366 5996

Smart pay as you go customers should call E.ON on 0345 366 5996 for all general enquiries. This number will connect you to the dedicated E.ON smart pay as you go customer service department. Call to make an enquiry about your account or a recent bill you have received. You can also call this number for technical assistance, or to top-up your smart pay as you go account.

Top-up – 0800 015 6368

Contact E.ON on 0800 015 6368 if you need to top up your Smart Pay As You Go meter. Lines are open weekdays 8am to 8pm and on Saturdays 8am to 6pm. Call to top-up your pay as you go meter. Before you call, have your payment method to hand and your unique top-up number. This can be found on a recent bill. Alternatively, you can find it by logging into your online account.

Moving home – 0345 303 3040

If you are moving home, call E.ON on 0345 303 3040. This telephone number is for the E.ON moving home and home movers department. This is the number to call to notify E.ON if you are moving home. You can also call this number if you have moved in and you are waiting for your gas or electricity supply to be switched on. If you require technical assistance, call the E.ON customer service department.

Change of supplier (prepayment) – 0345 302 3473

Prepayment customers should notify E.ON about a change of supplier by calling 0345 302 3473. You may have to notify E.ON if you wish to change your supplier. If you have a debt with E.ON, you should call this number to arrange a payment. This number is suitable for notifying E.ON about a change of supplier, for technical assistance and payments and billing.

Change of supplier (credit meter) – 0345 301 4905

Credit meter customers should notify E.ON about a change of supplier by calling 0345 301 4905. Call now to notify E.ON about a change of supplier, or to ask any questions about the switching process. If you are in debt, E.ON may require you to pay off your debt before you can switch to a new credit meter supplier. This number can be used to make a payment on your account.

Feed-in tariff – 0345 301 4884

Contact the E.ON feed-in tariff team by calling 0345 301 4884. This is the direct telephone number for E.ON feed-in tariff customers. Call to discuss your feed-in tariff account, to query a recent payment, or to cancel your tariff. This phone number is also suitable for reporting any online account issues you might be experiencing. If you have recently started generating your own energy, this number is also suitable for new customers.

For letters and bills in Braille – 0333 202 4762

If you would like to receive your letters and bills in Braille, you can request this by calling E.ON on 0333 202 4762. This is the dedicated E.ON telephone number for the E.ON accessibility team. Call to request your letters and bills in Braille. You can also request your letters and bills in a large text format, to improve legibility if you suffer from visual impairment.

Minicom service – 0800 056 6560

Contact E.ON on 0800 056 6560 for a Minicom (hard of hearing) service. The E.ON Minicom service will help you communicate with E.ON if you have hearing difficulties. This phone number is suitable for all general enquiries, and it offers the same functionality as the regular customer service number. Call to make a payment, give meter readings or for questions about your bill.

Overseas customers – +44(0) 115 843 4373

Overseas customers can phone E.ON on +44(0) 115 843 4373 for customer service. This E.ON phone number is suitable for payments, billing enquiries and technical enquiries. Please note: Calling E.ON from overseas may result in significant charges on your account. Please contact your network operator to request information on call charges before making your call.

Complaints – 0345 052 0000

The E.ON complaints department can be called on 0345 052 0000. This direct dial number will connect to the E.ON complaints department. If you wish to make a complaint in writing, you can do so using one of the addresses listed below on this page. Call now to register your complaint with E.ON, and to speak to a customer service advisor about the issues you have experienced.

Business customer services –  0333 202 4586

Contact E.ON business customer services on 0333 202 4586. This phone number will connect you to the E.ON business customer service department. An E.ON business advisor will be able to assist you with billing, account and payment enquiries. This number is suitable for small and medium-sized businesses. It is also suitable for both new and existing E.ON business customers.

Large business – 02476 42 42 42

Call the E.ON large business team on 02476 42 42 42. This E.ON phone number is for large business customers only, with typical energy requirements exceeding £10,000 per month. New and existing business customers can call this number to speak with a trained business customer advisor. This number is suitable for account enquiries, billing support, tariff renewals and payments. It is also suitable for new sales and tariff renewals.

New business connections – 0333 202 4920

Phone E.ON on 0333 202 4920 for new business connections. This E.ON contact number will connect you to the new connections department. Please note: This number is only suitable for new business customers. Existing E.ON business customers (those with a connection already) should call the E.ON business customer service department – the phone number for customer services is listed above.

Direct Debits – 0345 055 0065

For business Direct Debits, call E.ON on 0345 055 0065. This E.ON telephone number will connect you to the E.ON business Direct Debit team. Call this number to setup a Direct Debit, to edit your Direct Debit details, to cancel a Direct Debit, or for any other enquiries related to Direct Debit payments and transactions. You can also call this number to make a payment with your debit card.

Business complaints – 0345 303 4060

Contact E.ON on 0345 303 4060 for business complaints. This number will connect you to the E.ON business complaints department. This phone number is suitable for new complaints and registered complaints. If you are calling because you would like an update about an existing complaint you have made, select this option in the menu so that your call is diverted to the correct department.

E.ON phone opening times

Lines are open 8am to 8pm weekdays and 8am to 6pm on Saturdays for general enquiries.

Alternative contact methods for E.ON

You can also contact E.ON by writing to them or by sending them an email. We have published the E.ON customer service address (Nottingham) below, as well as email addresses for E.ON’s customer service departments.

Contact E.ON in writing

Write to E.ON at the follow addresses:

Customer service

Customer Service Centre,
PO Box 7750,
NG1 6WR,
United Kingdom.

Registered address

E.ON Energy Solutions Limited,
Westwood Way,
Westwood Business Park,
CV4 8LG.

E.ON customer service email address

The email address for E.ON customer services is email.queries@eonenergy.com.

Please note: If that email address does not work, you can send E.ON an email here: https://www.eonenergy.com/for-your-home/contact-us.

The email address for E.ON online complaints is ombudsmancomplaints@eonenergy.com.

The email address for E.ON customers with hearing difficulties is deaf.contact@eonergy.com.

E.ON on social media

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/EonEnergyUk/

Twitter – https://twitter.com/eonenergyuk

Google Plus – https://plus.google.com/111238278599521647157

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/507848/

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/talkingenergy

Call E.ON on 0843 770 5036 for customer service