British Gas HomeCare Phone Number

British Gas HomeCare Phone Number 0843 770 5045

HomeCare customers can call the British Gas HomeCare department on 0843 770 5045. Alternatively, call 0333 200 8899.

This HomeCare phone number is suitable for all home and boiler cover enquiries. Whether it’s your boiler, central heating, plumbing or electrics that you require assistance with, this number will connect you to the relevant department.

British Gas HomeCare Number – 0843 770 5045 or 0333 200 8899

HomeCare customer service – 0843 770 5045

British Gas HomeCare customers can call 0843 770 5045 Monday to Friday. This HomeCare phone number can be used to book a service, to book an appointment because of an emergency, or to find out more about the different levels of cover. Hundreds of British Gas customers have used this number to successfully have their enquiries dealt with. Customer service from British Gas is efficient and the vast majority of customers are satisfied by British Gas response times. Alternative contact information for HomeCare customers can be found at the bottom of this page.

Join Homecare – 0333 202 9505

If you would like to purchase home or boiler cover, call the British Gas HomeCare team on 0333 202 9505. This British Gas HomeCare number will connect you to the specialist HomeCare team, who will be able to assist you with choosing the right level of cover. There are four levels of cover to choose from. This British Gas HomeCare phone number is also suitable for new customer payment and billing enquiries.

HomeCare bookings – 0333 202 9604

New and existing HomeCare customers can call 0333 202 9604 to make a booking. This British Gas HomeCare contact number will connect you to the British Gas HomeCare bookings team. Call for individual bookings, such as for boiler or central heating breakdowns, or for scheduled maintenance. This number is also suitable for British Gas customers who do not have a HomeCare plan (you can book individual services when you call).

HomeCare breakdowns – 0333 200 8899 

Phone the British Gas HomeCare team on 0333 200 8899 for breakdowns. This phone number will connect you to the HomeCare services department. Call to report a breakdown and for all other breakdown general enquiries. This number is suitable for both new and existing customers. For enquiries not related to breakdowns, call British Gas Homecare on 0843 770 5045.

HomeCare annual service visits – 0330 100 0079 

Call British Gas HomeCare on 0330 100 0079 for annual service visits. This is the British Gas HomeCare contact number to call for annual service bookings and enquiries. If your boiler or central heating system is due a service, the HomeCare team will book in an appointment for you. If you are on a HomeCare plan, then the annual service should be included in the price unless otherwise stated.

HomeCare one-off repairs – 0333 202 9799

If your boiler, central heating, plumbing or electrics have failed, you can book one-off repairs with the HomeCare team by calling 0333 202 9799. One-off repairs will be charged at a fixed rate, unless you are on a HomeCare plan that includes one-off repairs. If you are without power or hot water, the British Gas HomeCare team will prioritise your one-off repair booking.

Summary of British Gas HomeCare Phone Numbers

HomeCare customer service 0333 200 8899
Join HomeCare 0333 202 9505
Bookings 0333 202 9604
Breakdowns 0333 200 8899
Annual service visits 0330 100 0079
One-off repairs 0333 202 9799
New/Replacement boilers 0333 202 9450

Lines are open Monday to Friday: 8am – 8pm, and Saturday: 8am – 6pm.

HomeCare from British Gas

Homecare is a service plan from British Gas. The service plans range from One, Two, Three and Four, with Four being the most extensive. Quite a few British Gas customers take out the basic plan, simply for peace of mind. Here’s everything you need to know about each plan:

Homecare One

Homecare One covers your boiler & controls only. It’s a good choice if you have other means of looking after your central heating system, hot water pipes and electrical system. If you do not have a means to do that, then the other plans offered by British Gas will be a lot better for you.

Homecare Two

HomeCare Two covers your boiler, controls and central heating systems. It’s recommended if you live in an older property, or you have an older central heating system, because it could break down at an inappropriate time, such as in winter.

Homecare Three

Homecare Three covers plumbing and drains in addition to your boiler, controls and central heating systems. This is one of the least popular plans, simply because it’s more expensive with 200 and most people aren’t that bothered about protecting from drain damage.

Homecare Four

Homecare Four covers your home electrical system, in addition to everything in HomeCare 300. We recommend this plan above all others, because it offers complete peace of mind without being too expensive. You’ll be pleased you have it, when something happens to your electrical system.

How else to contact British Gas HomeCare?

If making a telephone call to British Gas using our homecare telephone number 0843 770 5045 is not convenient for you at this time, then there are other ways to get in touch. Many customers have had success using social media platforms like Twitter, particularly when making a complaint, while other people still like to send an email or to send a letter, if there is no immediate need for a response. If you would rather contact British Gas by these means, then we have provided this information for you below.

Write to the HomeCare team:

British Gas,
PO Box 227,
S98 1PD.

British Gas HomeCare on social media:

FacebookTwitter, Twitter (customer service), YouTube.

Call British Gas HomeCare on 0843 770 5045

The British Gas HomeCare phone number is 0333 200 8899 or 0843 770 5045. Lines are open Monday to Friday: 8am – 8pm, and Saturday: 8am – 6pm. Call for all general, booking and payment enquiries.

British Gas HomeCare Phone Number